Monday, January 12, 2009

I have enough time to accomplish everything I want to do today

Sometimes I get feeling that I am rushed that I don't have enough time. Ever feel that way, ever feel like you have no time . I hear people saying I have no time all the time. It is like it's their mantra. I have no time . I have no time.

Do you think repeating I have no time over and over.......helps the situation in any way at all?

When I start to feel the slightest bit rushed I say to myself " I have enough time to accomplish everything I want to do today.". I say it quietly and confidently to myself. I say it and believe it.

Most days I accomplish everything I intended to do.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I have enough for today

Watched the news last night, economy's getting worse. It can be very depressing and worrisome if I allow it. The reality is I have enough for today. I have money in my pocket, a roof over my head and food in the fridge. That is enough for me. I am lucky. I am thankful for what I have.

It took a long time to realize I have enough. I used to think I didn't have enough. I was chronically unhappy stressed. Taking money out on one credit card to pay another card. Constantly wanting more, needing more. Then one day I just said I have enough for today. A burden was lifted from my shoulders. I have enough. What a relief! Financially nothing had changed.My bank account didn't magically bulge. Just a small mental change a change in outlook.

Yes things are bad on a national and global scale but right here right now I have enough for today. That thought will help me through today.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Drawing a Blank (Just for today I will smile and prosper)

I am wanting to post tonight but I am drawing a blank as far as a Title goes so guess what Drawing a blank is the title. How about that for beating writers block?

The recession's hitting close to home. I could be laid off any day. This has been going on for six months now, the uncertainty, the not knowing.

I have learned to live with not knowing if I have a job from one day to the next. I go in and do my job to the best of my ability. I try to get along. I keep my mouth shut. So far so good.

Today you need to be thankful you have a job at all, especially if you may be the next one to be laid off.

I take care of today. I will worry about tomorrow when it gets here. Ever notice that tomorrow never does get here. Just for today, I will smile and prosper.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Changing My Thoughts

I am wanting to think "this is stupid. I can't write worth beans. I have no time for this". I can listen and repeat these thoughts and soon I won't be posting at all.......or..........I can modify my thoughts. I can chose to change my thoughts. I can chose to think "I will get better at this. I will become a writer. Words will come to me more easily. I enjoy writing. I enjoy sharing my thoughts with the universe. The universe is friendly." These thoughts will encourage me to continue posting.

I can change my life by changing my thoughts. Changing how I think about myself and my life situtation , changing the thoughts I think changes my experience of my day to day reality.

I can chose the thoughts I think.

When I think positive self affirming thoughts I notice the positive aspects. I see things in a more positive light.

When I wake up in the morning I think "Today I will smile and prosper"and smile. Halfway done already.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone

I hope you find yourself smiling and prospering often in the new year.

I have been reading alot of Eckhart Tolle's work lately. I find it quite helpful. Especially when I get stressed out.

Eckhart says that if you need to accept this moment just as it is. I accept this moment just as it is. I accept this writing just as it is. I will get better at this. Have patience the pearls of wisdom are here just not fully formed.

You can change your life by changing your thoughts. If you are constantly thinking negative thoughts you will experience negative events and emotions. If you think positive thoughts you will experience positive events and emotions. You can chose to view your life situations as positive or negative. You have the power to chose your own thoughts. You can change what you think about. You can also change how you think. You can change the content and fequency of your thoughts.