Sunday, August 23, 2009

What to do when the economy sucks

Finally a book on personal finance that gives helpful advice to those of us that are struggling just to get by. This book gives you 101 tips on how to get through tough economic times. How to hang on to your job. How to dig your way out of debt. How to avoid foreclosure on your house. How to downsize your spending bigtime. Handy stuff to know,clearly presented in a friendly guilt free manner. You're in a jam here's how to get out. Here's what you need to do. Not painless but not fatal either.

Peter Sander wrote this book primarily for an American readership. He discusses American laws and insitutions. American websites are listed and described. If you are not American you may be a bit confused from time to time but there is still a lot of good solid advice for anyone who is being affected by this downturn. As a Canadian I found much the advice very useful.

What I found most useful was his advice on budgeting. I hate even thinking about it but what Peter says makes sense. You need to know what's coming in and what's going out. If you are spending more than you are making you are going into to debt......not good. There is away out.....there is away to budget that works even in tough times. There is even a reward now and then.

This book can help you come to terms with your current financial situation. It is what it is, here's how to make it better.