Monday, December 28, 2009

Thoughts on a sunny snowy morning

Life is good.

All is well.

My ideal avocation is coming to me as I write.

I love what I am doing. I love who I am. I love who I am with.

Life just keeps getting better and better.

I have all the time I need to accomplish what I want.

I am happy where I am, doing what I do.

I am enjoying this very moment immensely.

I am soaking up the sun, absorbing the rays, enjoying the warmth.

I am one with the sun.

I am one with the unverse.

I am filled with bliss.

Life is good. Life is wonderfilled.

I have found my purpose. I take steps towards my goals.

I have found a way to enjoy this moment and eagerly antcipate the next moment as well.

I am and I will be.

My purpose is to enjoy this moment fully.

My purpose is to help others to enjoy their lives more fully.

I am sitting in my teahouse, warmed by the sun, watching the snow falling gently slowly swirled by the breeze.

Nothing like a fresh fall of snow to make the world new clean peaceful quiet pristine.

Happy to to be alive awake aware for one more day.

These are thoughts I thought this morning. These are thoughts I think often. These are thoughts I enjoy thinking. How about you? If you thought thoughts like these would you be happier, more peaceful ?
You can choose your thoughts. I choose to think thoughts that help me smile and prosper. How about you?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can I have your Attention?

Joeseph Cardillo has written a very interesting and useful book on attention and how to use it effectively. Can I have your attention? is a short easy to read book that will have you understanding and using your attention more consciously.

Cardillo combines everyday living , his martial arts experience, discussions with attention researchers and leading edge theory in neurology and psychology into an interesting journey towards increased awarenss and focus.

What I like the most is Cardillo's concept of "procedure". Cardillo views anything that we do, feel or think as a procedure. We have procedures developed years ago that we use every day, like tying your shoes or answering the phone. These largely automatic routines make our lives easier. We also have procedures that are not so good, our good morning cigarette or our fear of heights. The good news is that if you can detach yourself from your procedures and become more aware of them, then you can modify or refine them to serve you better. You can ask "How is this procedure benefitting me?". I believe this could be a very powerful and effective way of improving your every day life, from dedicating a special home for your keys to modifying your weight. It is all about becoming clear about what you want and then modifying your procedures to accomplish your goals.

There is an appendix at the end of the book which details how you can apply what you have read to your own unique situation. You can alter your life significantly by changing how and what you attend to.

I highly reccomend this book.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Brain That Changes Itself

Norman Doidge has written an excellent book on our brains ability to change. He has researched the field of neuroscience, met with some of the field’s preminent pioneers and given us a look into many of the most interesting discoveries and personal stories of this relatively new science.

The book is based around the new concept of neuroplasticity, the thought that our brains can change and grow. Our brains can rewire, rebuild and reconfigure themselves. We can grow more neurons, increase our I Q’s and overcome damage to our brains. We can train our brains to be faster, smarter, more analytical, more intuitive…..more of whatever we want. Our thoughts can change our brains. Our thoughts can change the actual structure of our brain. Interesting concepts…..very interesting and backed up by good solid research. Doidge puts all of this into language the average reader can understand.

After reading this book I understand how brain plasticity could help me change some of my behaviours and attitudes. I also understand how this same plasticity creates barriers to change and how to overcome or reduce them.

This book gave me a lot to think about and a few unsettling thoughts as well. It is unsettling to realize the thought you are having right now is changing your brain, however slightly. When you suddenly see things differently, when you have an epiphany, when you finally get “it” has your brain rewired, your brain structure reorganized slightly, to adapt to a new thought, a new perspective? Is it possible to adapt to change that fully and deeply?

How can I apply what I have learned from this book? Is it possible to change those same old thoughts we think over and over? Yes it is possible. This book can give you a few tips on how to climb out of those ruts. We can change our lives one thought, one moment, at a time. This book can help you understand how to change.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Changing your thoughts

You can change your life by changing your thoughts...........change your thoughts ...change your life.

We all have a running dialogue going on with ourselves everyday all day. Much of it is the same old thoughts playing over and over in our heads. Some of us have been playing those same old thoughts over and over for years........for decades ........the same old thoughts over and over..We need to become aware of these thoughts..........became aware of those old worn out thoughts......Even just becoming aware of them and naming them......"Oh there is that same old thought I think every time someone says no to me."

Once you become aware of one of your old thought patterns ask yourself this "How is this old thought pattern serving my greater good?" "Could another thought serve me better?"

What is the first thought you think in the morning when you awake?.... Oh no I am late again!
How does that serve you? What if when you woke you thought "Today I will smile and prosper" What if you said "Today I will smile and prosper"and then smiled. Mmmm.... Set two goals and accomplished one already. That thought has served me well............much better than Oh no I'm late.

What old worn out thought are you willing to discard today? What new thought could replace it?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

What to do when the economy sucks

Finally a book on personal finance that gives helpful advice to those of us that are struggling just to get by. This book gives you 101 tips on how to get through tough economic times. How to hang on to your job. How to dig your way out of debt. How to avoid foreclosure on your house. How to downsize your spending bigtime. Handy stuff to know,clearly presented in a friendly guilt free manner. You're in a jam here's how to get out. Here's what you need to do. Not painless but not fatal either.

Peter Sander wrote this book primarily for an American readership. He discusses American laws and insitutions. American websites are listed and described. If you are not American you may be a bit confused from time to time but there is still a lot of good solid advice for anyone who is being affected by this downturn. As a Canadian I found much the advice very useful.

What I found most useful was his advice on budgeting. I hate even thinking about it but what Peter says makes sense. You need to know what's coming in and what's going out. If you are spending more than you are making you are going into to debt......not good. There is away out.....there is away to budget that works even in tough times. There is even a reward now and then.

This book can help you come to terms with your current financial situation. It is what it is, here's how to make it better.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I found a well made video on Kundalini awakening on You tube. I found it to be quite profound. It may offend some readers. But if you are open minded and have a basic understanding of the Chakras you may find it interesting...........helpful................enlightening...........profound?

Monday, June 29, 2009

I had a good day today. I went for an interview. I showed up a little early. I presented myself well. I did the best I could do. I felt it went well. I am taking steps to that will change my situation. I can see a way forward. I can see how I can make a valuable contribution to society.

Others see me as what I was. I see me as I want to be. I see me doing what I have dreamed of doing. I believe it is doable because I have realized some of my dream already. I am living parts of my dream already. In many ways I have what I want. I just need to finish paying for it and then maintain what I have.

So I need to add something of value to society. Something that others would value highly. What do I have that I value highly? That others would value highly?

Peace of mind.......clarity.......a knowing of what I want to do.

I want to transfer the knowledge of how to achieve these three qualities to others

Friday, June 26, 2009

Technorati claim

I just joined Technorati.

That was easy. Now I will be able to ping my blog and check it's stats.

Technorati has a wonderful series of articles on the state of the blog sphere,a very good and informative read. Here's the link to it,

Friday, May 29, 2009

Focusing on what you can contribute

During the last month I have been describing myself as an unemployed worker which is true, I was laid off Apr 17th. I have been looking for work daily. I've been beating myself up pretty good....I shouldn've done this .......I shouldn't have done that......I'm too network......what were you thinking......Yep really doing a number on myself.

Oh I had some good days too but last night I became aware of how I was representing myself and others........Now it is time to reframe .....and get on with my life..

I have a lot to offer to the you. I have a brilliant mind....a mind that is open to infinite possibilities. I have a broad base of knowledge and wisdom to draw from. I am aware of my state of mind, my mental processes, and my emotions. I am patient, caring, reassuring. I am a good listener.

I want to help myself and others learn to not only deal with and adapt to change.....but embrace change......and seek opportunities for growth in what so many of us fear. I want to catch that wave of change and surf it to a new and exciting future.

How can I help you?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Law of Attraction in Action

The Law of Attraction in Action: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Transforming Your Life (No Matter Where You're StartingFrom)

Time to start writing again. I have been reading "Law of Attraction in Action" by Deanna Davis. I found it easy to read and quite practical. I tried a few of her techniques and was surprised at their effectiveness.

Some people turn off as soon as they hear Law of Attraction......too out there.......I believe there is alot of truth in it. Deanna Davis gives you alot of good practical methods to improve your life. The law of attraction works if you work it, you have to apply the knowledge to your own situation.

A very powerful book. Be careful what you wish for.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's always worse on tv

Have you ever noticed that the weather is always worse on tv. Our weather channel had severe storm warnings . 30 centimeters of rain,and 90 kilometer an hour winds were forcasted for this morning. We got a little rain and abit of wind . Unpleasant but not nearly as bad as predicted.

Maybe you haven't noticed but it's the same for the news. All this doom and gloom, resecession and depression . Have you actually been affected by this economy? Have you lost your job? Lost your house? Has anyone you know?

Luckily for me I am still working, still making mortgage payments. I am still smiling and prospering. I have enough for today and a couple of months. That's all you really need enough for today and abit to set aside for eventualities.

If you are upset and worried about the economy maybe you need to watch less tv and take a close look around you. You need to appreciate, really appreciate, what you have.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Four Agreements

Last week I read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. That was exactly the book I was needing to read. Do you ever find that. You pick up a book and read exactly what you need to cope with your life situation. It happens to me quite often.

I do read a lot of books. A lot of them I don't finish. But some I read cover to cover, sometimes twice or even more. The Four Agreements is one I'll be reading reading over and over. It is a simple easy to read book. Follow the four basic agreements and your life will improve.

The four agreements are:

Be impeccable with your word. .... be very aware of what you say and think.

Don't take anything personally.......what others do and say is more about them then you.

Don't make assumptions........ask for clarity from others.

Always do your everything you do and say.

Following these agreements saved me alot of grief and upset last week. I am going to do my best to continue following them.

Here's a link to Don Miguel's website.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I have enough time to accomplish everything I want to do today

Sometimes I get feeling that I am rushed that I don't have enough time. Ever feel that way, ever feel like you have no time . I hear people saying I have no time all the time. It is like it's their mantra. I have no time . I have no time.

Do you think repeating I have no time over and over.......helps the situation in any way at all?

When I start to feel the slightest bit rushed I say to myself " I have enough time to accomplish everything I want to do today.". I say it quietly and confidently to myself. I say it and believe it.

Most days I accomplish everything I intended to do.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I have enough for today

Watched the news last night, economy's getting worse. It can be very depressing and worrisome if I allow it. The reality is I have enough for today. I have money in my pocket, a roof over my head and food in the fridge. That is enough for me. I am lucky. I am thankful for what I have.

It took a long time to realize I have enough. I used to think I didn't have enough. I was chronically unhappy stressed. Taking money out on one credit card to pay another card. Constantly wanting more, needing more. Then one day I just said I have enough for today. A burden was lifted from my shoulders. I have enough. What a relief! Financially nothing had changed.My bank account didn't magically bulge. Just a small mental change a change in outlook.

Yes things are bad on a national and global scale but right here right now I have enough for today. That thought will help me through today.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Drawing a Blank (Just for today I will smile and prosper)

I am wanting to post tonight but I am drawing a blank as far as a Title goes so guess what Drawing a blank is the title. How about that for beating writers block?

The recession's hitting close to home. I could be laid off any day. This has been going on for six months now, the uncertainty, the not knowing.

I have learned to live with not knowing if I have a job from one day to the next. I go in and do my job to the best of my ability. I try to get along. I keep my mouth shut. So far so good.

Today you need to be thankful you have a job at all, especially if you may be the next one to be laid off.

I take care of today. I will worry about tomorrow when it gets here. Ever notice that tomorrow never does get here. Just for today, I will smile and prosper.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Changing My Thoughts

I am wanting to think "this is stupid. I can't write worth beans. I have no time for this". I can listen and repeat these thoughts and soon I won't be posting at all.......or..........I can modify my thoughts. I can chose to change my thoughts. I can chose to think "I will get better at this. I will become a writer. Words will come to me more easily. I enjoy writing. I enjoy sharing my thoughts with the universe. The universe is friendly." These thoughts will encourage me to continue posting.

I can change my life by changing my thoughts. Changing how I think about myself and my life situtation , changing the thoughts I think changes my experience of my day to day reality.

I can chose the thoughts I think.

When I think positive self affirming thoughts I notice the positive aspects. I see things in a more positive light.

When I wake up in the morning I think "Today I will smile and prosper"and smile. Halfway done already.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone

I hope you find yourself smiling and prospering often in the new year.

I have been reading alot of Eckhart Tolle's work lately. I find it quite helpful. Especially when I get stressed out.

Eckhart says that if you need to accept this moment just as it is. I accept this moment just as it is. I accept this writing just as it is. I will get better at this. Have patience the pearls of wisdom are here just not fully formed.

You can change your life by changing your thoughts. If you are constantly thinking negative thoughts you will experience negative events and emotions. If you think positive thoughts you will experience positive events and emotions. You can chose to view your life situations as positive or negative. You have the power to chose your own thoughts. You can change what you think about. You can also change how you think. You can change the content and fequency of your thoughts.